Hella Cosatal

Hella Coastal's purpose is to highlight beer drinkers and producers that are

not well represented in the present day craft brewing scene. Their focus is to

show the diversity and inclusivity of brewing in all aspects. Whether it's the

lifestyle, just two guys that turned beer drinking into beer crafting, that’s now

growing into the first Black owned brewery in Oakland. They strive hard to

represent the work and pride of what goes into the art of craft brewing, but

also the inclusivity of what makes where we come from as a whole, what it

is…...diverse. They want to maintain and grow upon the tradition of the

brewers that were unrecognized before them. And with that, bring those

traditions to the forefront to be recognized. Additionally they want to raise,

address and educate the public on the historical, economic, social and health

issues concerning our communities

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